The count of Monte Crist(2001)
Dashing young sailor Edmond Dantes was a guileless and honest
who was gonna get married beautiful lady Mercedes.
His wealthy friend Fernand who wanted everything Edmonds had
One day Edmond was entrusted to hand in a letter from
ex-general Napoleon. He said to him to keep secret and
Edmond kept it. But Fernand watched it what he done
and he knew it was document of insurrectionary.
If Edmond handed in it for politician, it would be not fine
Also he knew Edmond wasn't able to read words.
He came up to the idea to betray him and take advantage
this opportunity, rip off Mersedes from Edmond.
Edmond sentenced to the infamous island prison of
Chateau Df and have trapped nightmare last 13years.
Thanks for helping mate who had dicked hall for escape
from here, Dantes was taught everything to live in
society as a avenger. He found what should he do and
decided to hide his background at least finish of
his revenge. After succeeded escape from prison,
he transform himself into mysterious wealthy
Count of Monte Christ
Directed By:
Kevin Raynolds
Written By:
Jay Wolpert
Arexandre Dumas
Jim Caviezel
(Edmond Dates)
Guy Pearce
(Fernand Mondego)
Dagmara Dominczyk
Richard Harris
(Abbe Faria)
Luis Guzman
REVIEW (****)
Before I watch, I was afraid that Jim Caviezel would be able to this role.
He is devoted Christian,sometimes it distract to do villain.
If he had obsessed with something, it would be Maria or Jesus
Crist not"desire to get on in life" or"revenge for someone "
I supposed. But he did it in this movie.
Before he was betrayed Fernand, his character was as same as
his other movies such as "The Thin Red Line"
After transformed himself, his character was changed dramatically,
he was obsessed with revenge and love.
I think his eyes in the movie reminded with recent days Tom Cruise.
Both of then scrabble about how to transmate "mission"
as soon as possible, they aren't capable of doing anything
in order to do that, theynsist on how to do.
I don't know men's side however eyes of men became same
if they aimed same ways.
On the other hand Guy Pearce was getting his hand in such like role
(unfortunally I don't like man who type of him!)
He played well "subconscious hostility" for main role in this movie.
I think men has "subconscious hostility" for himself.
But they wanted say others. Guy play well this point each movies.
Richard Harris was great point of this story and it became one of his
"remains". I'd like to see more.
If I could one problem tell this story,
character of Count of Monte Crist was kind of weak,but Luiz couvers
devious character. It'll be fine. Fighting between Guy and Jim by
Fencing was as great as "Alan Deron in ZORO"!

Lost Command (Les Centurious)(1966)
Time setting in '54 fromtierline of Indo-China-War.
After 8 years of fighting between Viet-Con and Friench Army,
it was about to end of their battle.
Carnel Raspeguy and his airborne troop ended up to hang out
the white flag reluctantly.
But they are free sooner than their expected.Because of war was endede
Most members went back Paris however the Arab member Mahidi
got off the ship Alge and say "Fellowship will be power"

After went back their hometown, they found their job.
Someone establish personal business, someone work at newspaper
company as a writer. But Raspeguy was no job after he went back
their hometown, he devoted his life for working army.
Escravier suggested to go to Count of Clairefons and ask for
introdusing him to exective who works atDefense Agency.
If he would do that, he would get back army, he thought.
It turn out just as his wished, Raspeguy was able to get back
army again but it was more horrible mission for him.
His units member were totally poorness however Raspeguy rely
on his brother in arms,humanizum Esclavier,point-head Boisfeuras
...In Kasba,Algeria Esclavier met a beautiful girl Aicha.
He attracted her but she blow away like window...
And who is she? In Alge.. where is Mahidi?
Escravier stuggle with mission and his mind..

Directed By:
Mark Robson
Jean Larteguy
Written By:
Nelson Gidding
Anthony Quin
(Colonel Raspeguy)
Alain Delon
(Captain Escravier)
Gerge Segal
Maurise Ranet
(Captain Bouisfeuras)
Claudia Cardinale
Michel Morgan
(Count Of
After dismissal from the army Alan Delon went back Paris and
he roamed bear feet when he was 20.There was a story in his life
When he was 17, he was in literaly India-China War Fromtier Line
This movie was kind of his auto-biography, isn't it?
Most his Hollywood film were said that they were mess however
it seemed Delon tried to mirrored himself.
And he asked from screen what is the war. Not for honor and
glory. Film's theme was good and last part was good however
beginning part was boneless. Director wanted to draw how
staunch their armyship. But it was too long to draw it.
It was rare flim to see Alan Delon starred in war movie
(young days!) So then it was worth to see one for his fan.

Les Granges bluees (The Burned Barns)(1973)
There was a qurious name farm house which named "Le Granges Brulees"
(The Bured Barns) it was located mountain range village in France.
In November all of village closed by slow.
Renter of farm house Rose has mountain however she isn't willing to
sell her estate or make a good use for it.
One day the deadbody was found near farm house.
The family member were suspected to kill her,finally inspector Larcher
was sent away the case.
Rose tried to cover up his family but more she did more,
the criminal was exposed.
Directed:Written By:
Jean Chapot
Co-Written By:
Sevastien Rolet
Alain Delon
(Pierre Larcher)
Shimone Shignoret
Paul Crachet
Bernard Lecoq
Pierre Pousseau
Renado Salvatori
(Hotel stuff)
Who won "the game"? I thought none of people who were connected
the case of murder lost the game.
Rose would be able to protect her family and she was able to
know real mind of her family however it means collaspe of
"her illusion". She thought family members should have been
thanksful to work in the farm. But they were willing to
go out for work.
On the other hand,Larcher tried to investigate who was murder.
His instinct of "cop" caught "real murder" however his action
brought out not only collaspe of family but also his dawnfall.
But why...? Rose and Larcher appreciated each other after
the case was solved.
Probably,they have waited someone who lead him(her) right way.
Rose was tired of "strict mother" in her mind, Larcher was
also tired of "merciless inspector".
It was good oppotunity to "get back themselve"
Renado Salvatori was good role to add spice this story each
scene. I couldn't find who was real criminal end of the story
but his role was good for find it.

Message in a Bottle(1999)
A divorced single mother Theresa works at Boston Times as a
Corumnist. Durling she took a vacation, she found a misterious
bottle when she had a jogging at Cape God.
There was message in a bottle for somebody who loved
so much. After she went back newspaper company, she began to look
for the person and where did come from.
Surprisingly it came from Outer Banks North Carolina and it sent
by Garrett who seemed same age of Theresa.
She couldn't say anything about message in a bottle thuogh she
fall in love Garrett...
Directed By:
Luis Mandoki
Written BY:
Gerald Di Pego
Based Story:
Nicholas Sparks
Kevin Costner:
(Garrett Blake)
Robin Wright
(Theresa Osborne)
Paul Newman
(Dodge Blake)
John Savage
(Johnny Land)
Illeana Douglas
(Lina Paul)
Susan Brighthill
If your sweetheart would think up you...when he or
she death...
Do you think it would be proud of your sweetheart or no?
I would think yes even though he got mad before did.
like Garrett in this movie.
This movie developed characters. I found myself really caring
for all of them.
The dialog between Costner's and Newman's characters,
son and father, was natural and believable.
Also dialog between assosiates and Newman when they had a fuss
about Chatherine's drawing.
The meeting and getting to know one another by Penn's
and Costner's characters is also very natural and believable.
I couldn't move when I watchedTitanic however it easy
to strike my coad. It well draw how weak men's mind when they
faced their first love.

Moon 44(1990)
In the year 2038, the Earth has no natural resources left and
multinational company has renegated, cannibalise and worried
piracy. One of MMC Carnal Co. was stole their mining-planet
their mining planet was only one Moon 44.
At the same time, payload carriers disappear somewhere in turn.
Company called out-law investigator Stone to investigate who
is mug. He sneak into ship with prisoners as a pilot.
Moon 44... there was computer genius teenager and prisoner to find criminal...
Directen By:
Roland Emmerich
Written By
Oliver Eberle
Michael Pare
(Felix Stone)
Lisa Elichhorn
(Terry Morgan)
Dean Devlin
Brian Thompson
(Jake O'Neal)
Malcom McDwell
(Major Lee)
Stephen Geoffely
Leon Rippy
(Sergeant Sykes)
Merhet Yilmaz
Perhaps just the first teaming of Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin
makes this worthy enough to watch.
Devlin though, has no producing credits here, he plays
future computer nerd Tyler, the main assistant to Agent Stone.
Team of Emmerich film such as Gozzila was horrible,Patriot
was ordinary to hit it. But Moon 44, there was almost
big name (just video-king M.Pare) most cast who played computer
navigators, they were starring gay movie however it made not only
SF movie, dramatic movie.
Michael Pare, always play that bitter and cool and humanism guy.
But one point was problem where M.McDwell's exocentric personality go?
In spite of down-to earth story, it was nice try.

Le Gout Des Autres (A.K.A Taste of Others, The) (2000)
Castella was medium establishment company's
never get ahead CEO. He has no feel like to work
He wasn't good feel about company elite and his
security guard who guarded 24 hours.
But they also had a problem in their mind.
Shaffer Fred had continued long-distance love however
since 3 month ago. There was no tough with her.
Frank has a girlfriend who work at bar as a waitress
She also illicit dealers of tabaco.
He'd like to quit her job however he can't say anything
Their employer Castella was end up to learn English to
trade English market but he turned her back.
Next day he went out to theater to see musical to see
his daughter's acting. He felt in love main actress
But she was the teacher who turned back yesterday.
Since then Castella tried to study and learn more
about acting...

Directed Written By:
Agnes Jaoui
Co-Written By:
Jean Pierre Bacri
Jean Pierre Bacri
Anne Alvaro
Alain Chabat
(Bruno Deschamps)
Agnes Jaqui
Gerald Lanvin
(Franck Moreno)
Bob Zaremba
Beginning of film was aimless story however character
started to revel their mind began to told what do they
think about each other. Then they found that they had
big mistake for each other. "Don't judge surface"
Remember Castella turned Clara back just she was
an English teacher. After he found her another genious
"acting" he felt in love first site.
On the other hand Clara hate him because of Castella was
boolish. But she found he was no background about acting
he liked theater purely.
His bodyguards back themselves at sight of Castella
Then they considered their love what's going on?
It's funny? kind of funny but romantic, isnt' it?

Motorcycle Diaries (2004)
Time setting 1952,an asthmatic young Argentine medic, Ernesto Guevara
went on a graduation trip to Latin America with his best friend
Alberto to discover the real Latin America and found their dreams.
Ernesto said goodbye for his girlfriend rich-society class lady
Chichina then he ride on a old bicycle Norton 500 with Arberto.
But bicycle broke down due to 8 months long distance hard-travel.
While Ernest continued the trip, he found social topography of the
Latin American continent.
The trip should have discovered real Latin America but he found
what should be done for them...
It was young days of "the most beloved revolutionist in the world".
Directed By:
Walter Salles
Written By:
Jose Rivella
Gael Garcνa Bernal
(Ernesto Guevara de la Serna)
Rodrigo de la Serna
(Alberto Granado)
Mia Maestro
(Chichina Ferreyra)
You'd like to have a trip, even though a trip might
change your conception of life.

Producer R.Redford might concentrated his mind for
the movie.
It may be rash to conclude that the trip made Guevara's
concept of life. After he finished the trip. ,he rejected
to go army as a millitary doctor then he went to trip
to Latin America again. Then he met Peruvian Socialist
and got married. After that they exiled to Mexico,then
they met Castro.
I thought Motor Cycle diaries was based his philosophy
of his life. Probably his wife and Castro made him revolutionist.
But I thought we were able to remind "revolutionist Che Guevara"
some of movie sequences.
Before Guevara and Alvert left leprosy sanatorium, Guevara determined
to swim across the dangerous Amazon river to spend last night with
patients. To do that, an isolated sanatorium became changed only one night.
We could find Che Guevara would spend "No way out of his life"
Another episode which there was no episode from based story,
Chichina asked to buy a basing suits in Florida for Guevara.
She handed off 15dollars for him.
Whenever Alvert and Guevara dropped off trouble situations,
 Alvert wanna use 15 dollars however Guevara rejected it
finally he gave the money for Indios.
Probably Guevara shamed he has "escape route" for his life.
Then he throw away it.
We could say same thing of a sequence Guevara gave his medicine
for old lady who has terminal asthma.
If I were him at that time, I would do that.
In a way, Alvert was really tolerant friend for Guevara I thought.
He really knew Guevara has heavy asthma and he wouldn't be able to
overdo as same as ordinary person,but he accepted to take him
for a long distance trip.
Last sequence, Alverthimself passed over airplane as same as olddays
but there was no his best friend...

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