The Load Of The Ring: The Fellowship Of The Ring(2001)
-One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them.
One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them -

Long time ago there was folks..
The dark Lord of Mordor Sauron made a ring which
was able to destroy everything.
Middle of Earth was exposed to the tribulations of war
During many of warrior who confronted and died Sauron
The man who named Isiudul,king of Mordor was able to
cut the finger of Sauron, but he lost appeal of the ring
The ring has changed its owner...then time passed away

Time setting in Three decade of Middle earth.
Villager of Hobbit celebrated Bilbo Baggins however
he vanished himself suddenly.
Wizard Gundalf suspect Bilbo something to get to vanish
himself. Actually Bilbo have taken a golden ring before started
celebrating party.
Gundalf knew it was just "ring". The ring an instrument of
absolute power that could allow Sauron, the dark Lord of Mordor,
to rule Middle-earth and enslave its peoples.
Before Bilbo is enslave it he tried to get back it and he
decided to interitate the ring for adopted sun of Bilbo
Frodo Baggins and thown away it fires of Mount Doom
where was creating place of the ring.
He has to embark on the trip with his fellowship as soon as
possible because Sauron is able to watch over 'til the ring
was anywhere.
During the journey they met the man who is be sprung of a
royal stock, Aragorn. He advised to go Rivendell and
pull together the fellowship of the ring.
At that time Gundulf was betrayed white wizard Saruman...
Directed By:
Peter Jackson
Written By:
Fran Walsh
Phiippa Boyens
Elijah Wood
(Frodo Bakkins)
Ian McKellan
Liv Tyler
Sean Astin
Viggo Mortensen
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan
Orland Bloom
Sean Bean
Cate Blanchett
Hugo Weawing
John Rhys
Chirstopher Lee
Ian Holm
Based on a representive fantacy ,morden epic novel written by
J.R.R. Tolkien '54.
It was said that cinematized was impossible for a ling time
Not only the technical point of view,but also casting point
Now there are the best technics, casting, direction, also
locating place ,I supporse.
Director said triogy of
The Load of The Ring shot
at a blast.It was good idea for story plot.
When it open in a public, I was depress. I wasn't able to
see it in movie theater. Also The Two tower.
If I was able to see it in movie theater,I was moved than
I thought. It's not just fantasy triogy.
Based on a down to earth idea and mixture of fantastic.
Village of Hobbit was fantastic for me.
The circular form door, there are charming food on a table
any time. It's like everytime is "teatime".
I found Hobbit get enjoyment out of life.
Then finally it connected renew their hopes everywhere.
It was just first stage of journey.
I thought the journey of the ring
looks like concept of Christianity
The true devil was not ugly, it's beauty,  enslave owner.

The Load Of The Ring:The Two Tower(2002)
At the end of part one, following the death of Boromir
and Gandalf’s plunge into the pit at Khazad-dϋm,
The Fellowship was forced to divide.
Though splintered into three groups.

Frodo and Sam were discovered by Gollum who
was ex-owner or the ring.
Frodo sympathize with Gollum and he wouldn't
care advise from Sam.
Then Army of Gondor appeared which was lead by
Faramir brother of Boromir.
He was believed the power of the ring
He forced Frodo for Gondol
On the other side, another side of fellowship
Argoron, Legolas, Gimli looked for Marry and
At first they met Eomer who is nephew of king
of King Theoden. Then the fellowship looked for
them in Fandln.
The fellowship not only recognized the their safety
but also reborn or Gandalf.
He was reborn as White Wizard.
Argorn found his destiny to return to Gondor
And fight for the fellowshop...
Directed By:
Peter Jackson
Written By:
Fran Walsh
Phiippa Boyens
Elijah Wood
(Frodo Bakkins)
Ian McKellan
Liv Tyler
Sean Astin
Viggo Mortensen
Andy Serkis
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan
Orland Bloom
David Wenham
Miranda Otto
Hugo Weawing
John Rhys
Chirstopher Lee
Karl Urban
Bernard Hill
(King Theoden)
Brad Dourif
I watched it SEE version on the movie theater
before I watched The Return Of The King.
But the screen wasn't wide,umm.
As far as I'm concerened this movie ranking was
a little bit strikt.It supporsed to be between
4 and 5.
The point of action and story plot,
sense of anticipation, better than
The Return Of The King
I thought director P.Jackson was capable.
Drawing the journey of Frodo was hard to
watch it. I felt he carry on "cross".
He wouldn't know the fellowship fight for
him anywhere but Sam knew about that.
So Sam agonized how to tell Frodo about that
but Frodo suspect him because of Gollum.
In the movie how Gullum was f**k for me.
My best point was story between Arwen and
Argorn. According to based story, it
wasn't written in based story just
wrote adding edition.
Only me? When Argorn was badly injured
I thought "Oh,my Gosh! if you died,
how to continued the story??"
Anyway I watched the trilogy at that blast.
But the fan who watched real time
They must be hardly wait to see last one.

The Load Of The Ring:The Return Of The King(2003)
Now Sauron's forces have laid siege to Minas Tirith,
the capital of Gondor. The final battle was here.
But each the fellowship has less hope for victory.
Double-tongued Gollum tried to killed Frodo by
big spider Shelob. Once Frodo and Sam was about to
spilit up each other though Frodo sorry to Sam after that.
On the other hand Argorn had a nightmare about Arwen's life.
After he saw it he gave the sword of Isildur that
should has broken in the war from Elrond father of Arwen.
He said Arewn decided to stay Revendell it means thrown away
the way of eternal life.
Argorn decided to enter The Pasts of the Dead with the
fellowship to ask for reinforcements.
Gundalf pick up Pippin and went to Gondor to ask for
reinforcements for Rohan and Argorn.
But Denethor the father of Boromir and Faramir was afraid
of retaking his power by them.
Gundulf said Pippin to light a signal fire.
To save the Gondor...fight against Mordor...throw away
the ring... three journey are about to end...
Directed By:
Peter Jackson
Written By:
Fran Walsh
Phiippa Boyens
Elijah Wood
(Frodo Bakkins)
Ian McKellan
Liv Tyler
Sean Astin
Viggo Mortensen
Billy Boyd
Dominic Monaghan
Orland Bloom
David Wenham
Miranda Otto
Sean Bean
Cate Blanchett
Hugo Weawing
John Rhys
Karl Urban
Bernard Hill
(King Theoden)
Ian Holm
It was gone,It' done.
Crimax scene of line from Frodo told everything of this movie.
There were many type of human drama in the movie.
And we could find "meaning of existence" each charasters.
A part of movie fans said some charaster was no meaning or
not effortable but I don't think so.
"For Frodo" line of Argorn was moving for me the point.
He was able to find why we fight against Sauron.
And who courrage them who know the ties of the fellowship.
The film was so short to draw to the world this story
about everything.(ex:last scene of between Faramir and
Eowin) As a film it was good.
But... I HATE SPIDER!! Sorry to down mu movie ranking
And burning character was chemistry isn't right for me.
Story between Faramir and Denethor was sad and one of
the sad scene.
Frodo turned his face when he throw away the ring but
he turned his mind suddenly then said "The ring is mine"
I didn't thought Elijah changed face so dramatically.
Before he play Frodo his roles were always "Good Person"
image for me. It was big impact for me.
Then last scene made sence in a way for me.
Because if he would return Hobbit and continued to spent
his life,he wouldn't be able to go bright side.
So he decide to go his bright side even though it
connected "the farewell of the fellowship"
The meaning why he was smiling...we would able to open
from "the ring" truly...

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